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EDI Initiaves in STEM

Assist in illustrating the link between the coursework and mathematical advancements driven by a wide range of diverse individuals and groups.


How can this resource be used?
  • To increase the visibility of the achievements, knowledge production, and leadership of mathematicians from underrepresented groups.


  • To facilitate discussions on historical and contemporary issues that are related to contexts and disciplines for which students manifest interest.


First and largest directory of women and gender diverse experts in STEMM.


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Best of the WWest

Podcast hosted by Westcoast Women in Engineering, Science and Technology


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Pride in STEM

Pride in STEM is a charity based in the United Kingdom that supports queer scientists around the world. 


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500 Women Scientists

A grassroots organization dedicated to making science open, inclusive, and accessible by fighting racism, patriarchy, and oppressive societal norms.


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Diversity of Nature

The aim of Diversity of Nature is to make ecology field experiences more accessible to BIPOC (Black, Indigineous, and People of Colour) secondary school students.


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The History of Mathematics: Let's Tell the Whole Story

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